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Bug 1361689 Excel For Mac

I oftentimes copy and paste tabular data and/or charts from Excel to other programs that accept PDF objects. When I upgraded from Excel 2011 to 2016 I noticed that my pastes were no longer retaining the proper formatting. Jul 03, 2013  Bug In Excel For Mac (2011) With Pivot Charts Annielytics. Unsubscribe from Annielytics? Record a Macro in Excel For Mac 2011 - Duration: 7:52. Tom Walsh 32,436 views. Bug in Excel 2008 charts. Make sure you use the 'Feedback' option under the Help menu in Excel. I fear that using Office on a Mac is now a professional. Aug 23, 2018  is it just me or is excel for mac chock full of bugs? There are some software that i use everyday, are highly complex, and to mind work almost perfectly.

There is certainly no right or wrong method to let us understand about growing issues. Leave us a comment Inform us what you believe. Below this content, click Yes or Simply no in the Was this details helpful? Section and type your opinion in the Hów can we improve? Provide suggestions in Workplace 2016 app You can send out feedback directly to our Office groups: For Office 2016 on Home windows 10 users, open an Workplace app, and click on Document >Comments.

Microsoft Word For Mac

For Mac pc customers, in Office 2016 for Mac pc, click on the smiley image in the upper-right corner.